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The Ponytail

Step 1:
Fold your scarf in half so that it forms a triangle (not a rectangle)
Step 2:
Place the folded scarf over your head so that the corner (the one that forms a 90 degrees) is in the back of your head creating a tail and the two longer corners are hanging over the side of your head.
Step 3:
Tie the left corner and the right corner once behind your head at the base of the back of your neck. Make sure that the tail doesn't get caught in the tie. Pull the right and left corners tight so that the scarf won't slip or move on your head.
Step 4:

Take the right corner of the scarf hanging over your shoulder and gently wrap it around the tail hanging over the back of your head.
Step 5:

Do the same as step six, only use the left corner
Step 6:

Once both of the corners have been tied you should be left with a long ponytail and two small loose ends -- tie the ends so that they're not loose. Leave the tail hanging long or you can tuck it under to create a 'pony-snood'.


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